Slacktivism: Real Activism or Hypocrisy?

*All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. I am a slacktivist. Over the last few years I have signed petitions, donated to charities and liked posts about social iss...Read More

Identifying protesters: voices of the mobilized or the marginalized?

Social movements are often portrayed as the battlegrounds for oppressed groups protesting for equali...Read More

Is Black Pete kicked out?

The chocolate letters are already on supermarket shelves, but the debate around the appearance of Bl...Read More

De gezondheidszorg – Andere manieren van discriminatie

Inleiding In de afgelopen jaren is er veel aandacht gekomen voor LHBTI+ gelijkheid en zijn erwetten ...Read More

The Dutch study loan system and the inherent danger of the Matthew effect

Sade Zollner (2097843) & Fieke Esveld (2092668) | Social Policy and Social Risks Introduction In...Read More


Sociaaleconomische status en gezondheidsongelijkheid: Een literatuurstudie over de relatie tussen sociaaleconomische status, fysieke gezondheid en cultureel en economisch kapitaal.

I. Introductie De jongere generatie inwoners van de Europese Unie leven gemiddeld langer en gezonder dan hun voorgangers, echter bestaan er grote sociaaleconomische gezondheidsverschillen tussen en binnen landen van de Europese Un...Read More

How the Kibbutz used to maximize Meaning in Life but forgot about Happiness

Have you ever thought about how the neighborhood you live in affects your life? In the social sciences, sociologists have been dealing with this question for a long time.  Already in the 1970s researchers found that when peop...Read More

Rising Educational Inequality among Dutch Students

This is a summary of the policy brief of Melissa Balla for the course The Social Structure of Western Societies. Learning loss involves the loss of any form of knowledge or skill, including regular changes in study progress, for e...Read More

Community garden: the path to a flourishing neighborhood

In the north of Tilburg lies a small neighborhood, Stokhasselt South. It does not take a long walk through the streets to appreciate this part of the city. In the calmness of the neighborhood, you can hear the birds sing. The resi...Read More

How and Why to Improve Neighborhoods

Neighborhoods. While we all live in one, we rarely give neighborhoods the attention they  should have. I know that I do take them for granted, belittle the possibility of change,  and disregard my own potential influence...Read More

Tourists Go Home! Anti-Tourism as a Social Movement

The gradual increase of the tourism industry over the last two decades (see figure 1) has come paired with the surfacing of anti-tourism attitudes. After the Covid-19 pandemic, these attitudes have flourished once more as local in...Read More