
What is Versot?

Versot is the official study association of sociology at Tilburg University. With roughly 150 members they are a small, but tightly-knit association at the TSB (Tilburg School of Social and Behavioural Sciences) faculty. During the academic year they host various formal and relaxing activities, such as CV workshops and study groups, but they also organise pub quizzes, an annual prom and get-togethers throughout the year. This gives every member the chance to get the most out of their time as a student.




Versot stands for Vereniging Sociologie Tilburg. Versot supports its members for 30 years already, by offering discounts on books, creating a tight network and organising various activities. Examples of formal activities are: visits to companies, information nights where alumni share their stories & CV workshops. Examples of relaxing activities are: pub quizzes, pub crawls, cantusses and introduction weekend!

Regular vs active member

As a ‘regular’ member, you are simply just a member of Versot. This means that you’ll receive a discount on your books and that you can attend any Versot activity that you’d like. As an active member, you are a part of at least one committee. This means that you are more involved with Versot than a ‘regular’ member.


A committee consists out of 2-6 people and takes care of the activities that Versot organises. As a committee member, you’ll gain various skills, depending on what committee you’ve joined. You’ll learn how to have an efficient meeting, how to keep in contact with external parties and how to organise events. That is a huge plus on your CV.

Cooperation TSB

TSB Tilburg school of Social and Behavioral sciences (TSB) is the social faculty of Tilburg University. TSB includes 5 bachelor and 8 master programs including Psychology, Sociology and multidisciplinary studies with a social point of view. One of the faculty’s spearheads is the improvement of mutual cooperation and team spirit. In addition to the activities of the faculty, the four associations that represent the studies also contribute to this. Complex (Psychology), Versot (Sociology), INPUT (Human Resources) and POLIS (Organization Sciences and Global Management of Social Issues) are four independent study associations that are committed to the professional and personal development of students and facilitate contact with and between fellow students. In addition to organizing activities for their own field of study, the four associations are joining forces to make an interdisciplinary contribution to the faculty’s spearhead.