Stedelijke Problemen

Haring, tulpen, kinderarmoede. Ook dit is Nederland…

Lief dagboek, Vandaag zouden we na school met de hele klas naar de dierentuin zijn geweest, maar mama zei dat het misschien beter was om thuis te blijven. ‘We kunnen altijd nog naar de dierentui...Read More

Workplace engagement – a mutually beneficial mindset?

Jobs are a shared human experience – almost every adult has one, and feels a certain way about it. This opinion can range from total dissatisfaction with the workplace to feeling deeply connecte...Read More

Veganism as a Purpose

First of all, what is a purpose?  Purpose is defined as a central, self-organizing life aim that directs our goals, behaviors and  gives us a sense of meaning. Purpose gives us guidance in our da...Read More

Changes in student financial aid system and the impact on students’ employment & living at home during tertiary higher education

This is a summary of the research paper from Lotte van Vliet and Aino Seulanto. Their idea was to study how the student financial aid system has changed in two different welfare regimes in Europe: the...Read More

This is a (straight) man’s world: life without social movements

What would life in The Netherlands resemble if it were not for social movements? Would it be similar to the country we know today? While it is impossible to answer such hypothetical questions, we can ...Read More


Worldwide change used to be something only idealists strived towards. However, it was the BLM movement that showed me that changing the world does not have to be strenuous at all anymore: something as...Read More

Stage lopen als beleidsmedewerker

25 jaar oud ben ik, dat is al iets ouder dan de gemiddelde derdejaars Sociologie student. Ook heb ik niet het meest gemiddelde pad bewandeld om op de universiteit terecht te komen. Ik kom namelijk nie...Read More

A neighborhood with unfulfilled potential

In the South of Tilburg city center lies the Uitvindersbuurt. Even though the name might suggest an inventive area (“Inventors neighborhood”) when you observe the place it does not seem as if there ha...Read More

How ‘us’ and ‘them’ can become one

As the phrase “birds of a feather flock together’’ suggests, we seek contact with people who are similar to us [1]. While this tendency seems unharmful from the outset, it can become detrimental in he...Read More