Ongelijkheid en Armoede

Mediaframing: Vergif of een tovermiddel voor armoede?

Mijn universitaire docente vroeg recent aan ons in een college wat wij verstaan onder het begrip ‘armoede’. Persoonlijk dook meteen het beeld van kinderen met hongerbuikjes, vliegjes in het oog, en zi...Read More

Changes in student financial aid system and the impact on students’ employment & living at home during tertiary higher education

This is a summary of the research paper from Lotte van Vliet and Aino Seulanto. Their idea was to study how the student financial aid system has changed in two different welfare regimes in Europe: the...Read More

Decentralization of Youth Care in The Netherlands

This is a summary of the research paper from Eva Grevinga and Marjolein van Hattem for the course of Social Policy and Social Risks. The authors report that since 2015, the Dutch government has given ...Read More

Sustainable employability to reduce the burdens of the healthcare sector

The pressure on the healthcare sector is a well-known problem which can be attributed to various reasons. Stress could be the consequence of, for example, having saved money on support services. As a ...Read More

The fast food industry: from additives to addiction.

Can you imagine being addicted to something that your life depends on and that is part of everyday existence? Most of us have probably dealt with periods in our lives where we over-consumed a bit and ...Read More

This is a (straight) man’s world: life without social movements

What would life in The Netherlands resemble if it were not for social movements? Would it be similar to the country we know today? While it is impossible to answer such hypothetical questions, we can ...Read More

Can music change the world?

From magnizdat to feminist-punk Take a look at the picture to the left. You might find it beautiful aesthetically, if you like bones. But this record was not made like this for its macabre appearance,...Read More

Do violent activists get what they want?

With the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, unrest broke out across the United States. While yearly thousands of activists come together peacefully, now the amount of participants using violence to...Read More

Stage lopen als beleidsmedewerker

25 jaar oud ben ik, dat is al iets ouder dan de gemiddelde derdejaars Sociologie student. Ook heb ik niet het meest gemiddelde pad bewandeld om op de universiteit terecht te komen. Ik kom namelijk nie...Read More