I. Introductie De jongere generatie inwoners van de Europese Unie leven gemiddeld langer en gezonder dan hun voorgangers, echter bestaan er grote sociaaleconomische gezondheidsverschillen tussen en bi...Read More
Over the past decades, female participation in the labour market has increased significantly. Yet there are frequent reports of continued gender inequalities in employment context, such as persistent...Read More
In recent years, there has been a growing concern for the emergence of a gender pension gap (EIGE, 2022a). This gap signals an increase in inequalities in economic resources in old age and is associat...Read More
Voor de buitenwereld oogt Helen* als een normale vrouw. Ze heeft een man, kinderen en een leuke baan. Maar achter gesloten deuren blijkt haar leven toch niet zo perfect als gedacht. In plaats van thui...Read More
A feminist symbol, a popculture icon, a viral sensational, a supreme court justice. Ruth Bader Ginsberg is widely considered an emblem for change, fighting battles for gender equality and women’s righ...Read More
In the following essay, I will provide an argument for how institutional epistemic virtues are not always achievable by group integration as argued by Anderson when trying to combat epistemic injustic...Read More
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a large social movement from the US, which fights for racial equality. They try to achieve this by attempting to change the systems and policies that uphold white supremacy...Read More
In the following I am going to explain why I think that considering education as a legitimate marker of credibility, as Andersson suggests, is problematic, at least in a global context and along the l...Read More
The following essay will look at how to work toward epistemic justice. This will essay will firstly, draw on the definitions of Fricker on testimonial injustice and her proposals to minimalize it.&nbs...Read More